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Premier Ops Spot Desk Planner

Des solutions d'affaires
qui obtiennent des résultats

Gagner une stratégie commerciale claire et des solutions opérationnelles pour que vous puissiez enfin, en toute confiance se concentrer surcroissance.


Notre approche globale permettraidentifier les lacunes dans vos processus ou votre stratégie et créer et automatiser systèmes,vous soulager de la surcharge mentale ette libérer pour poursuivre de nouvelles initiatives. 

Premier Ops Spot Optimize Streamline Improve Achieve

Our Mantra: What we Do

Optimize your Operations,

Streamline your Systems, and

Improve your Processes,

so you can

Achieve your Goals

Des services pour chaque besoin & Budget

Our mission is to be the ONE-STOP SHOP for all your Business Management needs. Our three key offerings work together to provide you with Comprehensive Support Services. This approach helps us design and refine your business operations, creating and automating processes that reduce the amount of time it takes you to execute your regular, recurring tasks - thereby relieving you of mental overwhelmfreeing up your time, and returning you to your passion.


During your Strategic Operations Audit, I'll craft a strategic plan that gets you closer to your goals without you having to work longer hours.


Then, my team and I will implement priority projects,

streamlining your systems for a better client experience,

improving your processes to bring in more revenue, and 

optimizing your back-end operations to make it easier to achieve your goals.


As your Business Operations Manager, I'll oversee it all and ensure everything is completed to your specifications.

Audit stratégique des opérations

Chaque service commence par notre audit stratégique des opérations, identifiant vos points faibles et leurs causes profondes, le résultat souhaité et des solutions à fort impact. Comprend la cartographie des processus, la hiérarchisation des projets et mon DESIGN & AFFINER la proposition.

directeur des opérations

Après avoir identifié vos projets à plus fort impact à partir de notre audit Strat Ops, je mettrai en Å“uvre les solutions que vous choisirez. Je continuerai à gérer les personnes, les projets et les processus, afin que vous puissiez enfin vous concentrer pleinement sur la croissance des revenus et les nouvelles initiatives. 

Spécialistes VA & amp; Partenaires approuvés

Nos VA hautement qualifiés et expérimentés exécuteront vos tâches récurrentes en utilisant les processus les plus efficaces. Tous les services incluent SOP de courtoisie. Nous travaillons également en partenariat avec des indépendants agréés proposant des services spécialisés.

Your Journey to Relief

What it's like to work with us


Complete your Strategic Operations Audit

Through my Signature RELIEF Framework, you'll gain clarity around the exact changes you need to eliminate the biggest pain points of your business, saving you time and money, while still achieving your goals.

Premier Ops Spot: Optimize, Improve, Streamline, Achieve


Approve your Custom Proposal

From your Operations Audit, you'll receive a Proposal of Priority Projects that will help you reach your goals faster, without sacrificing your sanity. As soon as you approve your proposal and pay your first invoice, we'll begin our Onboarding process.


Begin Onboarding

During our first meeting, my team and I will gain access to all we need to get your projects started - and completed! In the beginning of our working relationship, we'll establish communication rhythms, clarify your reporting and approval preferences, and get some quick wins across the finish line.


Implementation & Execution

My team and I will execute the Priority projects and Optimization opportunities we agreed upon. Your Virtual Assistants will provide support for the day-to-day, while we simultaneously Streamline, Optimize, and Improve the back end of your Operations.


Documentation & Delivery

When your initial projects are complete, we will present your deliverables to you in an Asset Library document that includes any SOP (Standard Operating Procedures), video tutorials, and important external links you'll need to share with clients.


Reevaluate & Reengage

Once your initial projects are completed, we will discuss if you'd like us to provide ongoing support through Strategic Operational Consulting, Virtual Assistance for the day-to-day, or both.

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